Charter Rhodos - Ibiscus Hotel, cu plecare din Iasi

The IBISCUS hotel is within easy reach of all major sights and attractions of the exciting island of Rhodes, providing a central base for excursions and shopping. The unique medieval city, characterized as a world heritage monument, is only minutes away. And when night falls, you will be amazed by the endless entertainment options the city has to offer!Hotel Ibiscus it’s located on most cosmopolitan sandy and pebbly beach of Rhodes and only a few walking minutes away from the city center, 500 metres from the Mandraki harbour and 1 km from the famous Old Town entrance, and 18 kilometres from the Airport. Hotel Ibiscus is an ideal choice for those wishing to combine the advantages of a city Hotel with that of a beach front location.

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Transport cu avionul pe ruta IAS - RHO (IAS-RHO, RHO-IAS)

1 bagaj de cala si 1 bagaj de mana/ persoana

Taxe de aeroport

Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport

Cazare 7 nopti

Asistenta turistica

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Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno

Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

TAXA DE REZILIENTA LA CRIZA CLIMATICA (se achita la receptie) - in functie de clasificarea unitatii de cazare, aceasta variaza intre 3 EUR si 10 EUR/camera/noapte

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Sejururi cu avionul din Oradea catre Ibiscus Hotel, Rodos, Grecia

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